Attorney Aaron R. Martinez | Michigan Attorney | Personal Injury | Criminal Defense | Politics & Elections

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Defending OWI/DUI Cases: Our Aggressive Approach πŸ‘Š

As an experienced criminal defense advocates, we understand just how serious drunk and drugged driving charges can be in Michigan. An OWI/DUI conviction can result in heavy fines, license sanctions, potential jail time, and a criminal record that will follow you around. But we also know that not every OWI case is open and shut. That's why our team at AARON.LAW takes an aggressive, multi-pronged approach to vigorously defend clients against these charges.

We Start With a Thorough Case Review πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ
The first step is conducting an in-depth review and analysis of all the evidence and circumstances surrounding the arrest. We'll comb through police reports, dash/body cam footage, chemical test results, and more to identify any potential issues or violations of your rights. Some key areas we look at:

  1. Did police have legal grounds to pull you over initially? We scrutinize the traffic stop for any unconstitutional violations.

  2. Were field sobriety tests properly administered? Improper instructions or conditions can render these tests inaccurate and inadmissible.

  3. Do the chemical test results align with the officer's observations? Discrepancies can suggest issues with the testing methods.

  4. Is there video evidence that contradicts the officer's version of events? Footage inconsistent with police reports can cast doubt.

This careful examination allows us to spot weaknesses and start building a strong defense strategy tailored to your case.

Challenging the Traffic Stop 🚘
In many OWI cases, the initial traffic stop itself can be a key area to attack. Police need probable cause or reasonable suspicion that a traffic violation or crime occurred in order to legally pull someone over. If they lacked proper grounds, we'll file a motion to suppress any evidence obtained from an unconstitutional stop, which can severely undermine the prosecution's case.

Questioning Field Sobriety Tests πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ
The standardized field sobriety tests (walk and turn, one-leg stand, etc.) have been developed by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), but are inherently subjective. Attorney Aaron Martinez and his team are trained on the NHTSA field sobriety tests. We know how to expose their potential unreliability, from the lack of medical evidence validating them to improper administration by untrained officers. We'll scrutinize the tests' scoring and how they were conducted, looking for any deviations that could make the results inadmissible.

Challenging Breath/Blood Tests πŸ’¨
Breath and blood tests are a common focal point in our defense approach. We understand the approved methods for properly collecting and analyzing these samples in Michigan. If any part of the process was mishandled or deviated from the rules, we'll make sure to highlight those deficiencies and push to suppress the results as unreliable evidence.

Raising Doubt About Impairment πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
Even with test results, we know the prosecution must still prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. We'll present any available evidence that suggests you may not have been intoxicated, from video of your behavior and demeanor to testimony about your tolerance level or medical conditions that could have affected the tests.

Exploring All Potential Defenses πŸ›‘οΈ
Our team will examine whether any legal defenses could apply to challenge the charges, such as: Necessity defense if you were driving in an emergency situation, Lack of actual physical control of the vehicle if you weren't actively driving - sometimes known as the β€œvehicular sleeping bag.” We leave no stone unturned to craft the strongest possible defense for your case.

Negotiating Plea Options 🀝
In certain circumstances, our clients may wish to proceed with a plea negotiation to minimize the fallout from the incident. When that's the situation, we'll advise on whether a plea bargain could be a better path, such as pleading to a reduced charge that avoids jail time or agreeing to sobriety court and probation. Our goal is to find the best outcome to meet your goals.

Our team has successfully defended numerous OWI/DUI cases across Michigan by employing these aggressive strategies. We understand how much is at stake with these charges, which is why we pour all our effort into providing a vigorous defense aimed at protecting your rights, freedom and future. Don't take chances with an OWI arrest - get the AARON.LAW difference by calling us today at (877) AARON-4U